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My Lord,All praises to You!!! The news James told me just now brought so much relief. Indeed, You work in wondrous ways. Mr. Al Sarraf paid Mr. Hout and the latter is processing the payment for the salary balances according to a co-worker of James assigned in France. We're expecting it on "Week 11" as stated by Mr Junie.We are weighing our options on a job offer for James, too. Thank You so mch, Father...The best part of it all..James is coming home. Finally, Jhaymee and I will get to hug James again. We've been waiting for this to come. I can't thank You enough, Lord. Thank You...Thank You..Thank You for opening a window.=)Grateful,
Loving Father,
The glory is all Yours. James is feeling better. After being confined in the 4 corners of his bedroom since Wednesday last week because of chickenpox, he'll be back to work tomorrow. Their situation with Mr Hout hasn't gone better but no reason to complain and many reasons to celebrate...what goes up must come down and no power is greater than Yours. In Your time, Lord.Jhaymee, on the other hand, is struggling with her asthma. Aside from giving her the medication to help her breathe normally, I know that trusting You will take care of my her. She has been calling James' name since her asthma attack. They haven't seen each other for a number of days now 'coz James couldn't go down to the office to use the pc. She misses her daddy a lot. Soon..soon...I always tell her that. I know You are hearing her prayers..our prayers.James and Jhaymee are my only wealth, Father. Pls take care of them..pls..Yours,
Loving Father,
Is there much more to nothing?
I didn't want to start ths post on a negative note. Neither did I expect it to be. Maybe I'm just having one of those anxiety attacks. Maybe I'm just being too emotional. Maybe I've lost patience again. Maybe I'm starting to lose faith..not in You..but in the neverending promises of PBE. Maybe I'm just weary of holding on to that inch of hope that they will soon fulfill their financial obligatins to hubs and many others. But what if...they're just as thoughtless as we see them?
I am not questioning Your will, My Lord. I firmly believe that Your power compares to no one's and that You will never ever let anything unpleasant happen to us unless we deserve it. I am asking for mercy, Father. I am powerless in this situation. Arm me with confidence that Mr Hout provide the much needed..well-deserved pending salary. Gear me with patience that I'd learn to waitfor the fulfillment of every word he gave. Prepare me for every single battle I will face if those promises will result to nothing..And most of all, supply me with understanding for James that I would always consider his stand on this matter.
Protect us from harm and good health for everyone.
Ardently Praying,
Dear Father,I was writing about my other half while I was chatting w/ him 2 days ago when he told me he was reading my blog that same time. I was on the 2nd paragraph of my composition that time. With conscious effort, I tried using the best words my vocabulary permits, the most expressive lines to convey the complex language of the heart. Hehe...the truth? I want to impress him. Eventually though, I ended up deleting the content. Those things may be true and James knows them, but this space is for You. =)The glory is Yours, Father. I owe my life to You. Jhaymee, James, my family and friends...even those who are not, These beautiful people have brought so much color to my world. Life w/ its ups and downs is one remarkable adventure w/ their presence.James, upon reading my blog, uttered one line "tni dasun positive naman" ("Hope You'll be writing 'bout positive things next time"). That struck me..hard! Through all our experiences, this man never fails to open my eyes through his unpremeditated judgements to appreciate simple things. True that he is insensitive most of the time but I give him the well deserved credit for his modest approach to every occasion whether it be hurtful or just. Same as You are, he is my paperweight...stops me from scattering and make myself whole and ready for life's lessons.Another representation of Your immense love is my daughter, Jhaymee. Like her father, she's my strength in struggling times, my purpose when I feel useless. She's a big girl now. She does things that amaze me and lift our (mine and James') spirits up. Her every word is my comfort, her smile my hope, her hug my refuge, her kiss my peace. You work in her, Father. I know You do 'coz she is Your instrument, her tiny body Your temple..Thank you so much. I praise You for these gifts, for every person I meet and know for through them You have demonstrated Your unfading love for me. I love You, Lord..Always,
Loving Father,Everything's been like a roller coaster ride since I last wrote here. I know that Your are aware of the details and I praise You for the affection You gave and his co-workers are still in Kuwait. We have received 1/4 of the delayed salary and I'm aware that that's one of Your many wondrous ways to show us You're always around. We are waiting for Mr Hout's next move. James mentioned that Mr Hout has been processing the salaries of those employees assigned in Egypt and the others since Mr Al Sarraf has paid him the amount He, for so long, gave as the reason for the delay. Hopefully, by the 15th we will be hearing good news. James said that the balance of their salaries will be given on the said date. If that doesn't happen, they will be coming home with no choice left. Please help us with this ordeal, Father. We badly need this.On the 23rd, Bbet's inviting us to Jillian's birthday. I'm not sure if we're going. A lot of things has been bothering me lately.I'm at a loss for words again..I don't know what to say anymore. You know everything, Almighty Father. I surrender myself to You alone. I succumb to Your will. Hear me, Father. Help me...I'm trying to be strong..for Jhaymee..for James. I'm holding on...Love,