I was writing about my other half while I was chatting w/ him 2 days ago when he told me he was reading my blog that same time. I was on the 2nd paragraph of my composition that time. With conscious effort, I tried using the best words my vocabulary permits, the most expressive lines to convey the complex language of the heart. Hehe...the truth? I want to impress him. Eventually though, I ended up deleting the content. Those things may be true and James knows them, but this space is for You. =)
The glory is Yours, Father. I owe my life to You. Jhaymee, James, my family and friends...even those who are not, These beautiful people have brought so much color to my world. Life w/ its ups and downs is one remarkable adventure w/ their presence.
James, upon reading my blog, uttered one line "tni dasun positive naman" ("Hope You'll be writing 'bout positive things next time"). That struck me..hard! Through all our experiences, this man never fails to open my eyes through his unpremeditated judgements to appreciate simple things. True that he is insensitive most of the time but I give him the well deserved credit for his modest approach to every occasion whether it be hurtful or just. Same as You are, he is my paperweight...stops me from scattering and make myself whole and ready for life's lessons.
Another representation of Your immense love is my daughter, Jhaymee. Like her father, she's my strength in struggling times, my purpose when I feel useless. She's a big girl now. She does things that amaze me and lift our (mine and James') spirits up. Her every word is my comfort, her smile my hope, her hug my refuge, her kiss my peace. You work in her, Father. I know You do 'coz she is Your instrument, her tiny body Your temple..
Thank you so much. I praise You for these gifts, for every person I meet and know for through them You have demonstrated Your unfading love for me. I love You, Lord..
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