Jun 30, 2009


Dear Father,

I know in my heart that You never fail to suffice the needs of Your children. Your provision may not come on the time we think we need it, but it comes just when we thought we have nothing to shed.

Please help us with our expenses, dear Lord. James has always been the best instrument of Your provision and I feel that he never seizes to look for opportunities to support our family. I pray for new developments on James' departure for Holland. Please take care of him while he's far away from us. Kindly hug him for us. By Your loving presence, let him feel the depth of my love for him. Please Father... I draw strength from him. Please take care of him..

Please guide Jhaymee. She loves You. I offer her to You, Lord. Spare her from the unnecessary circumstances that may slowly unfold as she journeys into this world. May we share a higher level of closeness than what I and Mama have without losing the respect a mother deserves. I love her so much...

Help me with my personal relationship with Mama. We are so different in traits yet so alike in the love and care we have for each other. I know that, I know that..

May all these experiences humble and at the same time encourage me to hang on and live my life Your way. Thank you once again for the abundant blessings. Forgive my trespasses. Increase my faith. I lift up every little thing that bothers me, worries me... to Your will I surrender..


Jun 25, 2009


Dear Father,

Thank you for bringing back James safe last April 3. Things were a bit different in a positive way. We were happier. More secure. Closer. I wouldn't say everything was perfect. We had episodes of misunderstandings. I came to realize that even at this point in time, we still have so much to learn as a couple, as parents, as individuals.
James is leaving for Holland soon. Another opportunity, another blessing. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Forgive me, us for our shortcomings. Continue to be with us. Good health foe everyone. I love you, Father.

Your Loving Daughter,